About Us

Hello, and welcome to Scispiracy!

A “Scispiracy,” is a term that describes the interconnectedness of science and conspiracy, where scientific information is manipulated or distorted to serve an insidious agenda. This manipulation of truth can occur in various domains such as bioengineering, new technologies, and scientific discoveries. Scispiracies pose potential threats to humanity and the planet in several ways. Here are some examples:

  1. Bioengineering: In the realm of bioengineering, a Scispiracy might involve spreading misinformation about genetic modifications, biotechnologies, or medical advancements. This can lead to public mistrust in vital scientific progress or, conversely, an uncritical acceptance of harmful technologies.
  2. New Technologies: With the rapid development of technologies like artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, and others, Scispiracies could involve creating hype or fear around these advancements without a grounded basis in scientific reality. This can either lead to unwarranted fear or dangerous overconfidence in these technologies.
  3. Scientific Discoveries: Sometimes, significant scientific discoveries are twisted to support certain political or economic agendas. This could involve either exaggerating the benefits of discovery or downplaying its risks, potentially leading to harmful policies or practices.
  4. Environmental Impact: In the context of climate change and environmental conservation, Scispiracies may involve spreading false information about the state of the environment or the impact of human activities on the planet. This can hinder effective action against environmental degradation and climate change.
  5. Health and Safety: In public health, Scispiracies might include spreading unverified or false information about diseases, vaccines, or health treatments, which can have dire consequences for community health and safety.
  6. Manipulation of Public Opinion: By manipulating scientific information, those behind a Scispiracy can shape public opinion to suit specific agendas, leading to misguided policies or social attitudes.
  7. Undermining Scientific Credibility: Consistent misinformation can erode the public’s trust in science and scientific institutions, which is crucial for informed decision-making and societal progress.


Scispiracies represent a dangerous intersection of misinformation and science, where the truth is twisted to serve specific, often harmful agendas. This can have widespread consequences, from individual health decisions to global environmental policies, and is a growing concern in an age where information – and misinformation – spreads rapidly.

While it’s important to acknowledge that these manipulations can and do happen, it’s equally crucial to note that not every claim of a Scispiracy is valid. Accusations of Scispiracy can themselves become a tool to undermine valid science, especially in the context of politically or socially charged topics.

As a society, maintaining rigorous standards of scientific review, promoting transparency in research, and fostering scientific literacy among the public are key to combating the impact of Scispiracies.

To view the many branches of science, the field of science, the subfield, and the description of each that a Scispiracry has the potential to impact, please click the dropdown table below.

Keep in mind that this list is not exhaustive, and there are many more branches and subfields of science to explore but this should give you an idea of the diverse opportunities we have to address scientific topics.

Our Mission

By delving into the intriguing web of deceptions, the team at Scispiracy seeks to uncover the hidden motives, vested interests, and manipulative tactics employed to suppress critical information and stifle meaningful discussions.

We will examine how breakthrough scientific discoveries, with the potential to revolutionize our understanding of reality, have been intentionally suppressed or dismissed. From alternative energy sources that could free us from fossil fuel dependence to groundbreaking medical advancements that challenge pharmaceutical monopolies and much more, we will confront the suppression of this information that jeopardizes our right to make informed decisions for the betterment of our planet and all living beings.

We will explore how the dissemination of misinformation, fueled by vested interests and powerful entities, has muddled public understanding of critical issues such as climate change, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), vaccinations and so much more.

By exposing the orchestrated disinformation campaigns and false narratives, we aim to empower individuals with accurate knowledge, enabling them to make informed decisions about their lives by unearthing the truth. Their stories will inspire and remind us that the pursuit of knowledge and scientific integrity is a tireless battle against those who seek to suppress it for personal gain or ulterior motives.

We will challenge the status quo, fostering a renewed appreciation for evidence-based reasoning and critical thinking. By encouraging open dialogue and a commitment to transparency, we can reclaim the sacred truths from the clutches of Scispiracies and ensure their rightful place as a cornerstone of progress and enlightenment for all.

To the ever-questioning, the undeterred seekers, and those unafraid to face the unknown, join us.

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